Mortgage Suite: Close | Blend
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Digital applications deserve a digital closing

Still suffering from a paper-based process? Make your digital mortgage complete with Blend Close.

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average increase in NPS score with digital closing

61 min

saved per loan through error reduction

<30 min

average appointment time with hybrid closings

5.89 days

saved in closing and funding cycle time

Cut your wet sign
package in half

Wet signing 100+ pages can take hours. Cut those documents (and time) in half through a simple eSign experience, making it smoother for your borrowers and easier for your closing teams.

Product screenshot of closing

Save hundreds on hedging and warehouse costs

The promissory note is one of the most important pieces of the closing package. With an electronic note (eNote), you create a more secure transfer of ownership and can sell it up to 6 days faster.

Calculate your ROI

Use your data to see how streamlined workflows and improved borrower experiences could impact your business.

Number of files




Total Financial Impact Annually



Talk with a product expert

See how our data-driven, digital-first platform can work for your team’s unique needs.

Calculations based on averages from customers including mortgage file size, costs per loan, post close error rates, and overall eClose adoption.
Individual results may vary.

Get borrowers to closing faster

Instant, automated verifications — sourced directly from leading data providers — speed up the loan lifecycle.

Half of documents eSigned upfront means shorter closing appointments, smaller wet packages, and less manual reviews post-closing.

All the benefits of hybrid plus an electronic promissory note (eNote), speeding up the time to sell your loan to the secondary market.

RONs cover all your bases. With all docs eSigned with an online notary, time and location are no longer obstacles to closing a loan.

Close signing document
Blue rectangular card featuring desktop view of promissory note signing and mobile view of Docusign
Blue rectangular card featuring desktop view of Blend Signing room and mobile view of Closing disclosure

The number one thing for us was how robust the Blend Close solution is. It offers all the various types of eClose scenarios, from a hybrid without an e-note, a hybrid with an e-note, and all the way up to a full RON closing with a Blend notary. That was truly the clear benefit for us.

Shane Horan

Director of Mortgage Strategic Initiatives

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