Cementing a collaborative lending ecosystem | Blend
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September 13, 2018 in Mortgage Suite

3 minutes

Cementing a collaborative lending ecosystem

Head of Finance Marc Greenberg and Advisory Board Chair Jack Lew

In the past few years, lenders have come a long way in bringing more simplicity and transparency to consumer finance. As we work together with the industry, we’re not only seeing this change in the lenders we work with, but also in the continued progress and expansion of Blend itself. Our customer base has quadrupled over the last year and we’ve grown our headcount from 203 to over 340 in that time.

Because of our role as the enabler of digital transformation for the consumer lending space, Blend is uniquely positioned to make a lasting impact on the technology that powers the industry. Lenders process over 100,000 mortgage applications on our platform monthly. That’s often over a billion dollars in application value per day.

As we continue building additional aspects of the real estate finance process into Blend, we need input from those who can help deepen our industry collaboration and better understand our customers’ challenges. By bringing the right people to the table, we can chart the way forward and become a true centerpiece for digital progress in consumer lending. That’s why we’re especially excited to announce the latest additions to our team: Marc Greenberg has joined as Head of Finance, and former US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew will chair our new advisory board. Their expertise and leadership will be instrumental in creating an ecosystem that better serves borrowers and lenders alike.

Scaling for success

As a technology partner to community banks, nationwide lenders, and everyone in between, our customers rely on our longevity as much as they depend on our continuous innovation and our differentiated approach to solving the industry’s problems. As we continue to grow and scale, it’s crucial to ensure we’re doing so responsibly.

Marc knows firsthand the challenges of growing a groundbreaking business from his tenure at Pixar Animation Studios, a company of over 1300 people. As Pixar itself faced inflection points in its growth as an entertainment visionary, Marc helped drive their continued success. Marc will grow the finance team that Blend co-founder Erin Collard has built out. I couldn’t be more grateful for Erin’s leadership and his ongoing work to position Blend for responsible growth in the coming years. Driving sustainable growth was not only an impetus for hiring Marc but also for creating our new advisory board.

With his background in both government and the private sector, Secretary Lew is uniquely positioned to help Blend build better relationships with the existing financial services industry and navigate the complex, highly-regulated lending landscape. His board’s charter includes (but isn’t limited to): advising on our product roadmap, identifying emerging market trends, and forging new ecosystem partnerships. His appointment also reflects the broad scope and increasing number of stakeholders invested in the problems Blend is working to solve.

Reimagining lending, together

By thinking differently about the industry’s challenges, we’ve made Blend a partner lenders rely on to remove friction and expand their business. With Marc and Jack on board, we’re doubling down on our momentum and positioning ourselves to reimagine not just the mortgage process, but consumer finance as a whole.

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